Welcome To The Biggest Little Games Books Ever!

Whether you are just starting your career or are a seasoned instructor, each of these books will become one of your most valuable resources! The books are in .pdf format so you can view them on your mobile device, laptop, desktop, etc., and you have permission to print one copy of each book purchased.

From the Author: "The characters in this book are meant to be genderless. By using line drawings, I have tried to portray the distinctive characteristics of children everywhere. The little characters are without gender, age and race. They are intended to be as innocent as children themselves."

Purchasing The Biggest Little Games Books Ever!

Digital books are sold in .pdf format. You have permission to print one copy of any book(s) you purchase. This is how we make a living. So, we ask that you not print more than one copy of our book(s) nor share copies with colleagues, family, or friends.
