The Basic Pack
The Basic Pack
The Basic Pack contains approximately 350 games and activities that are suitable for all ages, kindergarten to adult. These are games to help you, the instructor, add zest and interest to your program. Although players like repetition you, like I, have probably wished many times that you had some new games to add. It is my hope that the games found here will help fulfill that wish. The book is conveniently divided into 8 sections: Activities for 5 to 8+ Year Olds, Tag Games, Warm-up Games, Upper-body Strengthening, Control Games, Goofy Relays, Fun Activities for Acrobats & Those Who Wish They Were and Outdoor Games. There are also detailed instructions on planning from the long-range yearly plan right through to daily lesson plans, how to make a games area on the playing field and so much more. The Table of Contents at the beginning of each section includes a suggested age for each game, whether it’s a solo (S), team (T,) group (G) or partner (P) game and the minimum amount of time takes to play.